11:11 Light Body Activation
In this powerful energy attunement, infused with the high frequency energies of 11-11, you will activate your Light Body, the gridwork of light and sacred geometry that brings together your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual being.
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80 minute MP3 Instant download delivered to you immediately after purchase as a digital download that can be listened to on your computer or any MP3 player

Regular Price = $44

Your Price = $11.11

In this course you will :

Release old traumas and emotional pain

Free yourself of negative habits and patterns

Experience higher states of consciousness

Communicate with your Spirit Guides, Angels, and Higher Self Relate to others with love and compassion

 Stay calm and centered around other people’s energy

Express your soul’s purpose as the Lightworker you were born to be

This event was recorded during a rare convergence of celestial events during a New Moon portal on November 11th, 2016.

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  • 1x11:11 Light Body Activation Sale$11.11

All prices in USD
